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Understanding Cryptic Crossword

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Category: Book
Product Code: P001
Tags: Book, Crossword, Vivek Kumar Singh

Cryptic crosswords confuse many when they attempt to solve the puzzles in newspapers on a daily basis. Even the brilliant minds with good command over English and general knowledge can fail at the cryptic crosswords. It is for this reason why Vivek Kumar Singh has written the book Understanding Cryptic Crosswords: A Step By Step Guide. Essentially, the book is said to be a 20-20 educational tool for the novice in cryptic crosswords. This book can help them learn the puzzle in 20 days and practise for another 20, thus making them masters of the craft.

This book is not just for the uninitiated, rather it can also be used by the amateurs and professionals to brush up their skills. Indeed, this educational read can be used as a primer, a workbook, a reference book and a refresher capsule by readers, depending on their individual needs where cryptic-crossword solving is concerned.

The uninitiated, such as school students, can find this book very helpful. For such people, the book gives a simple step-by-step guide and teaches them a few tricks to master the art quickly. This can also sharpen their analytical and problem-solving skills. The amateurs can use this book to gain better insights into the cryptic clues, whereas the professionals can find the text to be a ready-reckoner. The exercises and glossary of abbreviations given in this book will help the professionals improve and assess their crossword-solving skills.

It is available in paperback.

Key Features:

  • This book is an attempt by the author to demystify the enigma that cryptic crosswords has.
  • While not attempting to convert a layman into a master, it has the potential to create a beginner out of a total non-starter.

Prem Kumar 1014 days ago

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismd. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere.

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